NEWSLETTER Tim Cartledge NEWSLETTER Tim Cartledge

Friction: Edition 18 | June 2024

Good governance encompasses not only the system by which organisations are controlled, but the mechanisms by which organisations and those who comprise them are held to account.

This month we dive deep into corporate governance framework and look at the crucial role the board of governance plays in navigating sustainability, risk management and legislative requirements.

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NEWSLETTER Tim Cartledge NEWSLETTER Tim Cartledge

Friction: Edition 17 | May 2024

Safety and mining go hand in hand. With the majority of work being performed in high-pressure environments for long hours at a time and in remote locations, there are a number of factors to consider when thinking about the health, safety and well-being of all on site.

In this month’s edition, we explore the importance of incorporating safety in design and why safety measures must be featured prominently throughout the entirety of a project, from concept to closure.

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NEWSLETTER Tim Cartledge NEWSLETTER Tim Cartledge

Friction: Edition 15 | March 2024

As geotechnical professionals, we are responsible for providing accurate advice about mine design and operations, and laboratory testing is one of the avenues that enables us to do just that.

In this month’s edition, we dig deep into the importance of geotechnical lab testing within the mining, resources and construction industries.

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NEWSLETTER Tim Cartledge NEWSLETTER Tim Cartledge

Friction: Edition 14 | February 2024

Welcome to the first edition of 2024. New year, same excellence in geotechnical news and information from across the globe.

This month, we dive deep into data acquisition and data management. From the technological advancements that affect the industry to the rising importance of sufficient data management, this edition provides valuable insight into why data and mining go hand-in-hand.

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NEWSLETTER Tim Cartledge NEWSLETTER Tim Cartledge

Friction: Edition 13 | November 2023

As we prepare to round out the year that was with our November edition of Friction, we dive deep into Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) and the role it plays in the mining industry.

ESG is on everyone’s minds, and for good reason, with every sector’s ESG policies and approach to sustainability in the spotlight. The mining and geotechnical engineering industry is no different.

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NEWSLETTER Tim Cartledge NEWSLETTER Tim Cartledge

Friction: Edition 12 | October 2023

How the mining industry monitors tailings dams has evolved over the years with advancements in technology, AI and research and development.

In this month’s edition, we dive deep into the complex structures that are tailings dams and how the future need for development, training and upskilling must not be ignored.

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NEWSLETTER Tim Cartledge NEWSLETTER Tim Cartledge

Friction: Edition 11 | September 2023

In this month’s edition we look at the future generation of geotechnical engineers. From addressing the skill-shortages that face the industry to improving the image and attraction of mining, we hear personally from senior geotechnical engineers within the education system to understand what this looks like and why it’s a fundamental focus.

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NEWSLETTER Tim Cartledge NEWSLETTER Tim Cartledge

Friction: Edition 8 | June 2023

Access roads, build pads, levees, dams, drains – all are vital, primary infrastructure across mine sites so, by their nature, demand a geotechnical engineer’s full attention to ensure safety and stability.

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NEWSLETTER Tim Cartledge NEWSLETTER Tim Cartledge

Friction: Edition 6 | April 2023

Slopes, softwalls, stresses and stability. This is the language of geotechnics where no two mine sites are the same, one size never fits all, and technology forms a crucial pairing with creativity to deliver tailored data-driven solutions. 

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NEWSLETTER Tim Cartledge NEWSLETTER Tim Cartledge

Friction: Edition 5 | March 2023

Geotechnical professionals are always under pressure to provide accurate advice about mine design and operations. But even the most sophisticated analysis can become meaningless if the data it is based on is inadequate or inaccurate.

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NEWSLETTER Tim Cartledge NEWSLETTER Tim Cartledge

Friction: Edition 4 | February 2023

Attracting new geotechnical professionals to the mining industry continues to be a challenge in 2023. In this edition of Friction, we look at the role we can all play in promoting our industry and attracting new talent to the profession.

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NEWSLETTER Tim Cartledge NEWSLETTER Tim Cartledge

Friction: Edition 3 | November 2022

In the third edition of Friction, we dive into why failure is not an option for tailings dams, rockfall trajectory reconstruction, and the latest podcast on Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering for Nuclear Waste Disposal.

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